Monday, 19 August 2013

First draft, kill the editor for now


Every now and then someone will ask me for advice or my opinion on something they have written. And I am happy to do so. With the caveat that I am a new writer myself and my advice is that of a new writer. You could ask why am I giving advice out in the first place. And that would be a question I ask myself each and every time. (Luckily I don't do it often.) I think we all learn and grow with many personal variations and tangents. That said I also believe that we are all the same and we follow a curve of learning that is quite unbending and unforgiving. With the odd exception we all learn the same way. Some are faster than others but the curve is the same. We start at A and continue through to B and C finishing eventually at Z. If we live long enough to reach Z that is. Remember time is very real and we take as long as we have. If I traveled back in time to talk to Shakespeare at the end of his life, I would ask 'Have you learnt everything you need to know about writing?' I bet his answer would be, 'no' You could do this to all the greats in all the fields of art and you would (with the odd exception) get the same answer.

So when I say I'm a beginner writer, I suppose I'm saying I have started my journey and except that I will never finish it, but isn't the joy, in doing not finishing. Don't you get the most smiles and satisfaction at the point when you have figured out the plot twist you have been waiting for. When you know your eventual reader will want to know more, but not why they want to know more. I enjoy writing one word in front of another and seeing what happens. This all happens in the first draft, the rest is polishing or improving the work, bring it it up to standard. But the creative bit has been done. So my advice to all that write is, to enjoy your muse, your inspiration. It's what makes art, well art. If your rolling between the sheets with the long haired bottle of inspiration. (my muse has long hair and is female for that matter.) Lock the editor away in the box room or a small wardrobe for now. And enjoy the muse. She likes to feel special you know.

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